UFC’s Mike Perry brutally KO’s man in street fight

"You're gonna die now"

Out of all the people to mess with in a street fight, UFC fighters like Mike Perry should be left out of the equation. 

UFC fighters know how to handle themselves in- and outside of the octagon. Most of them have trained for several years at an elite level, so facing off against a person with little to no combat experience is relatively simple.

This is something UFC welterweight Mike Perry illustrated several years back, where he knocked out a man in a street fight with a single punch. Perry recently posted the video of the incident, which was filmed in Orlando, Florida. There is a clear altercation between the two men, with Perry’s girlfirend Danielle Nickerson caught in the middle. One punch from Perry later, and the man is floored.

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Goin to the beach boy ! #Tbt #ViralChallenge #YOLO He’d actually just punched me in the mouth. (Why do you think they started recording) I created space, he followed with his fists balled. As I stepped into position around the girl he either flinched or got distracted from what his drunk ass was doing which was harassing me. He wouldn’t stop so I ended it. I threw the jab/hook split seconds before he looked to the left. I could’ve continued to ground and pound him to death but walked away and spoke to the police. For any of you acting like you’ve ever done anything for me please believe you play with fire you’re gonna get burned. If you can mind your space and social distance yourself from my personal bubble than anything can be resolved through conversation. Judge me all you want you bunch of cry to get your way hypocrite’s but I live an honest life and am the most truthful person I know. I share my life with all of you watching so please believe if you feel like you want to butt into anything you were not involved in than you, yo mama, yo daddy, yo wife, husbands, sisters, brothers, daughters, sons, and grandma’s and grandpa’s can get these pro fighter hands too since it’s ok to hit me but not ok when I hit back. Check yo selves !

A post shared by Platinum Mike Perry (@platinummikeperry) on

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“Goin to the beach boy,” Perry wrote on Instagram. “He’d actually just punched me in the mouth. (Why do you think they started recording) I created space, he followed with his fists balled. As I stepped into position around the girl he either flinched or got distracted from what his drunk ass was doing which was harassing me. He wouldn’t stop so I ended it. I threw the jab/hook split seconds before he looked to the left. I could’ve continued to ground and pound him to death but walked away and spoke to the police. For any of you acting like you’ve ever done anything for me please believe you play with fire you’re gonna get burned. If you can mind your space and social distance yourself from my personal bubble than anything can be resolved through conversation. Judge me all you want you bunch of cry to get your way hypocrite’s but I live an honest life and am the most truthful person I know. I share my life with all of you watching so please believe if you feel like you want to butt into anything you were not involved in than you, yo mama, yo daddy, yo wife, husbands, sisters, brothers, daughters, sons, and grandma’s and grandpa’s can get these pro fighter hands too since it’s ok to hit me but not ok when I hit back. Check yo selves!”

In an interview with TMZ Sports Perry went on to explain the background story in greater detail. Apparently the man in question had tried to hit on Nickerson while she was standing talking to Perry. When the UFC welterweight shoved the man away, he was punched in the face, leading to where the video starts off.

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