UFC Middleweight Announces Potential USADA Doping Violation
UFC middleweight Marvin Vettori (12-4-1) is the latest fighter to have potentially violated the USADA anti-doping program.
The Italian last competed at UFC on Fox 29 last April when he was defeated by Israel Adesanya via a split decision.
Many have been awaiting his return to the Octagon, but yesterday evening he announced on social media that he had been flagged by USADA for a potential violation of the anti-doping program. The sample in question was provided during an out of competition test conducted on August 6.
Vettori explained the situation on his social media last evening:
“Since the beginning of my career I have always been a clean fighter,” Vettori wrote.
“I have never intentionally assumed anything that could favor my performances inside the cage because I am convinced that the results are the result of sacrifice, dedication, blood and sweat.
“This is just a small stop on the way to achieve what I have set. As soon as I will be allowed to return to the cage, I will do it as always at my best and with only one goal in mind.”
Watch the video below:
ITA: Ciao ragazzi, in molti mi chiedete ogni giorno del mio prossimo incontro quindi mi è sembrato giusto fare questo video per raccontarvi la situazione, una situazione non facile ma che non mi fermerà.È giusto che sappiate da me cosa è successo, che sia io a raccontarvi quello che è accaduto nel modo più trasparente possibile.Al settimo test USADA sono risultato positivo per una quantità bassissima di ostarina, da agosto sono in attesa di notizie definitive e non è ancora uscito nessun comunicato ufficiale perché la nuova policy dell'USADA prevede di non dire nulla fino alla conferma di tutti i test visti i molti casi di contaminazione o accidentali, come il mio.Dall'inizio della mia carriera sono sempre stato un fighter pulito, non ho mai assunto intenzionalmente qualcosa che potesse favorire le mie prestazioni all'interno della gabbia perché sono convinto che i risultati siano frutto solo di sacrificio, dedizione sangue e sudore.Questo è solo un piccolo stop sulla strada per raggiungere quello che mi sono prefissato.Appena mi sarà consentito di tornare in gabbia lo farò come sempre al massimo e con un solo obiettivo in testa.Ringrazio Jeff Notivky per avermi aiutato nel capire i passaggi di questo processo con l’USADA e ringrazio l’USADA per tenere il nostro sport pulito.Ringrazio il mio team e tutti voi che ogni giorno mi seguite.Non ho mai smesso di allenarmi e non lo farò mai, l’obiettivo rimane sempre lo stesso.EN: Hi guys, many of you are asking me everyday when my next fight is going to be, so I thought to do this video to explain you the current situation.It is right that you know from me what happened, that I can tell you what happened in the most straightforward way possible.At the seventh USADA test, I was found positive for a very low trace of ostarine, and since August Im still in the middle of the process of it and I’m waiting for final news.No official press release has yet been done, because the new USADA policy is to say nothing until the confirmation of all the tests, given the many cases of contamination or accidental, like mine.Since the beginning of my career I have always been a clean fighter, I have never intentionally assumed anything that could favor my performances inside the cage because I am convinced that the results are the result of sacrifice, dedication, blood and sweat.This is just a small stop on the way to achieve what I have set.As soon as I will be allowed to return to the cage, I will do it as always at my best and with only one goal in mind.I thank Jeff Notivky for helping me understand the steps in this process with the USADA and I thank the USADA for keeping our sport clean.I thank my team and all of you who follow me everyday.I have never stopped training and I will never do it, the goal remains the same.
Publicerat av Marvin Vettori Söndag 28 oktober 2018
Vettori then later followed up his Facebook post on Instagra revealing more about the possible violation:
“Hi guys, many of you are asking me everyday when my next fight is going to be, so I thought to do this video to explain you the current situation.
“It is right that you know from me what happened, that I can tell you what happened in the most straightforward way possible.
At the seventh USADA test, I was found positive for a very low trace of ostarine, and since August Im still in the middle of the process of it and I’m waiting for final news.“No official press release has yet been done, because the new USADA policy is to say nothing until the confirmation of all the tests, given the many cases of contamination or accidental, like mine.
“Since the beginning of my career I have always been a clean fighter, I have never intentionally assumed anything that could favor my performances inside the cage because I am convinced that the results are the result of sacrifice, dedication, blood and sweat.
This is just a small stop on the way to achieve what I have set.“As soon as I will be allowed to return to the cage, I will do it as always at my best and with only one goal in mind.
I thank Jeff Notivky for helping me understand the steps in this process with the USADA and I thank the USADA for keeping our sport clean.“I thank my team and all of you who follow me everyday.
“I have never stopped training and I will never do it, the goal remains the same.”
The Italian hold wins over Alberto Uda and Vitor Minanda under the UFC baner.