Medicals halt UFC debut at tomorrows UFC Minneapolis
Jordan Griffin (17-6) seems to be one unlucky featherweight, as he’s now lost two opponents in just as many weeks. Promotional newcomer Vince Murdock (12-3) received the call to fill in for an injured Chas Skelly two weeks ago, but he just recently announced via social media that he has been forced to withdraw from the fight due to him not being medically cleared to fight.
As of now it’s unclear what the medical issues are that have prevented him from being able to be cleared. With less than 48 hours before UFC Minneapolis it’s highly unlikely than the UFC will be able to find a replacement. Murdock was coming into the fight with two straight wins, both via TKO. His full statement is below.
“Difficult as it is to say, I must let you know that, I won’t be making the walk this sat. Unfortunately at this time the UFC requires some more test to clear me medically fit to fight. As difficult as it is for me to write this message, I strongly believe with the required test completed in the coming days I will be cleared to fight. I wanna thank my management Iridium Sports with the support of the UFC for the great opportunity and getting me the proper medical attention required to compete and my well being
I apologize to everyone that was looking forward to seeing me make the walk this Saturday, no one is more crushed then I am. I strongly believe this will be resolved soon and I will have another opportunity to make the walk
Again the amount of love and support leading up to this has been overwhelming and can’t thank y’all enough”