Video: Khabib Nurmagomedov and others mourn loss of father

Huge crowds gathered to pay their respects to Abdulmanap Nurmagomedov

The tragic death of Abdulmanap Nurmagomedov, father to UFC lightweight champion Khabib Nurmagomedov, has truly brought the MMA community together to mourn and pay respect for the fallen MMA pioneer. After a lengthy battle against Covid-19, Abdulmanap sadly passed away at the end of last week in a Moscow hospital.

Abdulmanap played a huge part in establishing MMA in Russia, Dagestan and Ukraine, something his son’s achievements are a testament to. Even Russian president Vladimir Putin has reportedly offered Khabib his “deepest condolences” after the loss of his father and mentor.


Since the tragic passing, Khabib has remained out of the medias eye – Until now. Video has emerged of a collective mourning with Khabib, and Chechnian dictator Ramzan Kadyrov amongst others. This is the first time anything has been seen or heard of Khabib since last weeks sorrowful news.

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Глава ЧР Рамзан Кадыров вчера ночью, в сопровождении своих ближайших соратников посетил Кироваул РД, что бы почтить память и выразить соболезнования родным и близким Абдулманапа Нурмагомедова. Кадыров отметил, всеобщее уважение, которое имел Абдулманап и его большие заслуги в развитии спорта. Он сказал, что с первых дней были на связи с родственниками и очень надеялись на его скорейшее выздоровление. Хабиб Нурмагомедов поблагодарил Кадырова, за визит и почтение к своему отцу. Также он выразил благодарность за помощь, которую Кадыров оказал в переводе его отца в Московскую клинику и дальнейшее лечении. «Предначертанное Всевышним не изменить, на все его воля! Хвала Аллаху» сказал Хабиб Нурмагомедов. Пусть Аллах простит все его грехи и обрадует раем! #абдулманапнурмагомедов #хабибнурмагомедов #кадыров #кироваул #похороны #соболезнование

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Despite their bitter and harsh rivalry, even Khabib’s arch nemesis Conor McGregor reached out to pay his respects.

“Praying for the recovery of Abdulmanap Nurmagomedov,” McGregor wrote on Twitter“A man responsible for more World champions, across multiple fighting disciplines, than we even know. A true martial genius! Very saddened upon hearing this news tonight. Praying for the Nurmagomedov family at this time.”

Abdulmanap was incredibly important to Khabib, and it is just as important for the younger Nurmagomedov to get all the time that is needed to mourn and reflect over the loss, legacy and memory of his father.

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