Junior dos Santos - Photo by MMAnytt

Junior dos Santos: “I would never cheat”

Former UFC heavyweight champion is looking to clear his name by testing some of his supplements.

Yesterday reports came out that former UFC heavyweight champion Junior “Cigano” dos Santos was pulled from his fight with Francis Ngannou at UFC 215 in Canada, due to failing an out-of-competition test done by USADA.

But ‘Cigano’ is not going down without a fight, he plans to fight the suspension and show that he was flagged due to tainted supplements. In a post on Instagram he sent a message to all of his fans.

“I’m not here to give an explanation,” Dos Santos said in his video post. “Soon, everything will be clear to all of you and no doubt – truth will prevail. I’m here in respect for all of you guys. I just want to say that this situation is very tough for me, my team and my family. And I would never cheat. It goes against everything I stand for. I play a fair game. We will get to the bottom of this, figure out what happened, learn from it and move on. And I hope in the near future, Francis Ngannou and me can face each other and give you guys the show you were expecting. For now, thank you very much for your support. It means a lot to me, and that’s why I’m here.”

Oi pessoal Eu não estou aqui para dar explicações, logo tudo será esclarecido para todos vocês e sem duvidas que a verdade prevalecerá. Eu estou aqui em respeito a todos vocês. Eu só quero que saibam que essa situação tem sido bastante difícil para mim, meu time e minha família. Eu nunca trapacearia, isso vai contra tudo o que acredito e apoio. Nós estamos investigando isso a fundo e logo descobriremos o que aconteceu, aprenderemos com isso e seguiremos em frente. Mas eu espero que em um futuro próximo, Francis Ngannou e eu possamos nos enfrentar e dar a vocês, a luta que estavam esperando ver. Por agora, muito obrigado por todo seu apoio, isso significa muito para mim e é por isso que estou aqui. Boa noite.

A post shared by Junior Cigano Dos Santos (@junior_cigano) on

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Stefan Romare is a reporter for MMAnytt and produces content in both English and Swedish.