Derrick Lewis On Greg Hardy: ‘I like Knocking Wife Beaters Out’

Derrick Lewis says he'd love to get his hands on retired NFL player Greg Hardy if he makes it on the UFC roster.

Reports of former NFL star Greg Hardy getting a chance to fight for a spot on the UFC roster on Dana White’s Contender Series haven’t been met warmly by many in the MMA community and that includes UFC heavyweight, Derrick Lewis.

Hardy was charged with domestic violence back in 2014 and was sentenced to 18 months probation and given a 10 game ban by the NFL. After seeing his football career crumble, Hardy focused his attention on MMA and has since had three amateur bouts which he won by first round TKO.

Despite his talent, many believe that his former crimes should be enough to put the UFC off doing business with him, but unfortunately, as if often the case in MMA, where there’s money to be made seemingly anything can be forgiven.

Speaking to TMZ Sports earlier, Lewis gave his opinion on Hardy and as ever, he didn’t hold back.

“He’s a wife beater, I’d like to get in there with him,” Lewis said.

“I like knocking wife beaters out. I’ll fight Greg Hardy.

“It’ll be like vice versa him beating on a woman, I’ll be beating him like he was a woman.

“I grew up watching my mom and my stepdad fight just about every single damn day.

“Fist fighting every day for stupid stuff.

“I don’t tolerate stuff like that at all.”

Only time will tell whether Hardy does enough to get offered a spot on the UFC roster. Should he be successful, it sounds like “The Black Beast” is going to be waiting for him.

Watch the full TMZ Sports Interview:

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