Conor McGregor’s Dad Tony Set To Take Part In Charity Boxing Match

Conor McGregor's Dad Tony McGregor will be making his boxing debut soon according to reports in Ireland.

Bizarre reports are emanating from Ireland with Conor McGregor’s father Tony McGregor apparently set to take part in a boxing match on Dec. 15.

Tony will apparently take on Eoin Sheahan, a radio presenter best known for his work with Off The Ball.

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Speaking with The Sun newspaper in Ireland earlier this week, 59-year-old Tony explained that training for the fight was helping him get into the best shape of his life.

“I decided I wanted to get fit and healthy as I approach my sixth decade,” Tony said.

“I respect my body, I don’t over­-indulge, I know when to not have another beer. But I don’t live an abstentious lifestyle. I do enjoy the finer things in life!

“At this era in my life, I just want to get and stay healthy. You see lads letting themselves go when they get to my age and I don’t want that to happen to me.”

Talk of a fight between Tony and Sheahan began after the Irish radio presenter called Tony out after watching footage of him training on his Instagram page.

“I would totally fight this guy, I’m calling him out right now,” Sheehan said.

“For the sake of that old man’s brain, I’d better not call him out,” he later continued.

Tony didn’t hesitate responding to Sheahan and quickly took the radio presenter up on his challenge.

“There are two things in life I don’t like — coinage and challenges. And he’s thrown down the challenge,” Tony McGregor told The Sun.

“There I was, minding my own business and putting in the training in Headon Boxing Academy.

“I was putting the work in, slipping, ducking, hooking and jabbing when all of a sudden young Mr Sheahan decides to call me out.

“If I’m being honest, I think he’s taken leave of his senses. Does he want Santa to rearrange his face for Christmas? He’ll be eating his turkey through a straw!

“Camp Apocalypse began at 16:00 hours and it’s full steam ahead now.

“Six weeks of intensive training to get in peak condition. Camp ­Apocalypse was formed solely for the purposes of the destruction of young Mister Sheahan.

“I’ve been offered the use of every facility you can think of, I’ve had pro lads contacting me offering their services free of charge but I am going to stick with the Headon ­Boxing Academy.”

Is it all a joke? Or is this fight actually going to happen?

Apparently it will be in the form of a charity boxing fight taking place on December 15.

According to

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