Anderson Silva Vows to Return to Fighting: ‘You Can Be Sure It’s Not Over Yet’

Former UFC champion Anderson Silva isn't done with fighting just yet

Anderson Silva isn’t done with fighting just yet.

The former UFC middleweight champion took to Instagram this week to once again reiterate that his mixed martial arts career may have hit a bump in the road but he’s far from finished.

Silva is currently sitting on a provisional suspension from USADA (United States Anti-Doping Agency) after a drug test was flagged ahead of his last scheduled fight against Kelvin Gastelum in 2017.

While Silva hasn’t said much about the drug test outside of stating that his medical team was looking into what caused the positive test, but it’s clear the 42-year old Brazilian is still focused on making his return to the Octagon one day in the future.

“You can be sure it’s not over yet,” Silva wrote. “My love and my passion for the fight are here, firm and strong. The fight continues, I will stop when God thinks I can not do it anymore.”

Quando olho esta foto, percebo o quanto Deus me fortalece sempre me dando luz na minha caminhada. Em uma longa viagem, lembranças fantásticas do tempo em que brincava nas ruas do bairro onde cresci em Curitiba. Tudo que passei, tudo que consegui construir com força de vontade, com determinação e muita honra. Tive o previlégio de colocar o brasão do meu time do coração, de uma certa forma, dar um título mundial pra ele e principalmente, pro meu povo. Só tenho a agradecer a todos vocês por tudo, digo de coração, amo vocês todos que sempre estão me dando forças. Beijo! Amo vocês de verdade, força e honra a todos, independente de time, cor, raça, religião e opção sexual, somos todos irmãos. Obrigado meu povo! Podem ter certeza que ainda não acabou. Meu amor e minha paixão pela luta estão aqui, firmes e fortes. A luta continua, vou parar quando DEUS achar que não dá mais. Então quem é meu fã, pode ter certeza, que logo estou de volta, pra alegria dos que torcem por mim e pra tristeza dos que não kkkkkk beijo . When I look at this photo, I realize how much God strengthens me by always giving me light in my walk. On a long trip, fantastic memories of the time I played in the streets of the neighborhood where I grew up in Curitiba. Everything I've been through, everything I've built with willpower, determination and great honor. I had the privilege of putting the coat of my heart team, in a way, to give a world title to him and especially to my people. I just have to thank you all for everything, I say from my heart, I love you all who are always giving me strength. Kiss! I really love you, strength and honor to all, regardless of team, color, race, religion and sexual choice, we are all brothers. Thank you, my people! You can be sure it's not over yet. My love and my passion for the fight are here, firm and strong. The fight continues, I will stop when GOD thinks I can not do it anymore. So who is my fan, can be sure, that soon I'm back, to the joy of those who cheer for me and to the sadness of those who don’t kkkkkk kiss

A post shared by Anderson "The Spider" Silva (@spiderandersonsilva) on

Silva’s moment of reflection comes while he’s still awaiting the outcome of his current case with USADA where he could face a lengthy suspension as a result.

Because Silva had previously been suspended for a year back in 2015 after testing positive for two different steroids, it’s possible that USADA could hand him a much stiffer penalty for a second offense.

That being said, there’s still no indication when Silva might find out the results of his current case with USADA. Silva last fought in Feb. 2017 when he earned a decision win over Derek Brunson at UFC 208.

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Damon Martin is a veteran mixed martial arts journalist who has been covering the industry since 2003 with bylines on FOX Sports, CNN, Bleacher Report and numerous other outlets.