McGregor’s Anti-Migrant Rhetoric Fuels Dublin Riots
Conor McGregor, renowned for his UFC prowess, is now under investigation by Irish police for his role in fueling anti-migrant hate in Dublin. Following a knife attack in the city, anti-migrant riots broke out, resulting in public transport and vehicles being set ablaze, and shops looted. The Garda (Irish police) described it as the worst violence in decades in Dublin, with more than 400 officers deployed and 34 arrests made.
The unrest was sparked by rumors of an immigrant being the assailant, although an immigrant fast-food courier notably intervened to stop the attack. Garda Commissioner Drew Harris attributed the riots to far-right ideologies. High-profile crimes by foreign nationals in Ireland have heightened tensions, leading to increased anti-immigration campaigning.
McGregor has been vocal on social media about these issues, blaming the Irish government for the crimes and expressing his disdain for current policies. His posts, including endorsements of monitoring migrants and suggesting Ireland’s exit from the EU, have added to the inflammatory situation. His recent tweets, some deleted, have not only spread misinformation but also seem to incite further unrest, despite his later disavowal of the riots.
McGregor’s controversial statements have sparked significant backlash, raising questions about his influence and the intersection of sports figures with political ideologies.